Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Evolution of the Pinky

We were having a conversation at work the other day about typing. GB and I seem to have developed some sort of carpal tunnel and soreness from the freelance we've been doing. It was then that we realized that we barely ever use our right pinky when typing. Think about it: it rests on the semi-colon/colon key and you don't use it unless you're talking possession- or contraction-wise or if a left-handed key needs to be capitalized (enter Shift.. oh and while we're at it --> Enter as well). I guess it makes sense, especially since your pinkies are generally the weakest finger of your hand. But the left one is used far more widely, resting on the popular vowel "a" --> half my first name consists of them!!

This all may seem frivolous, but I think it's one of the little details we don't realize and can take for granted. I guess it goes back to evolution and the functions of the human body. The pinky used to be used for more, I'm sure. But, do you really think you could live without your pinky?

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