Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Shopping and the Gym

"Shopping is my cardio." - Carrie Bradshaw

An article in the UK's Guardian from yesterday talks about how shopping is becoming a form of exercise. So for all you shopoholics out there - there's good news!

Back up the train. I know I'm walking when I’m shopping (and I frequently do this), but I think the least exciting part is checking out the bank account after I've made my fabulous purchases. And that requires movement of my arm, of my eyeballs, and of my mouth when I gasp in horror at the big bill I've just created…

Says the article:

"'Mallercise' - power walking while window shopping - is a craze sweeping the US and catching on here. It's free, safe and, because the weather's not a problem, you can wear what you want."

I'm not exactly sure when said "craze" became popular in the good old U S of A. I mean I've always loved to shop and all, but if this were the case, why would I need the gym I detest to get up for at 6am?! Additionally, I see it says free and safe. Although these mallercisers are getting up and entering the mall before the shops actually open, I'd see something totally cute in a window and just return later on that day to buy it. Or better yet I'd wait around in the mall, probably grab something to eat, and then make my lovely purchase - Costly and Dangerous! So really, they're not doing me any favors.

Nowadays I don't go to the mall every day, despite being the obsessive shopping freak that I am. But is Britain (where one American dollar equals maybe two English pounds) trying to convince me that I should take a little daily trip and do a couple of laps before my workday? I think I'll stick to online shopping and early morning drives to my gym membership. At least there I can get my CNN fix for the day.
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