Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Scripted Writing

I recently had a conversation with a few different people. It started out as a joke. And I was the target. Why, some wondered, would I write in script (or cursive, if you will) after the age of eight - the age at which teachers make you toil on the proper way to write your letters? I, along with my mother and my editor, am one of the few people I know who continues to write in script. But, I mean, why not?

It's so much prettier when you write in script (which is such a girly comment, I know). But why would they teach you that if you don't need it? When you write in print it's slightly juvenile isn't it? It brings me back to a time when I wasn't aware another form of writing existed.

Sure, I don't write each and every letter in the way it was meant to be written in script. But it's like driving a car - do you do everything the way you were taught in Driver's Ed?

Someone I know had a little bit to say about the script/print debacle. I'm not sure if he's just lazy or if this is really true, but he makes a good point:

"It's coming to a point where script is a thing of the past and a lot of people don't even bother anymore. It's only good for signatures because script is what can differentiate a person's signature. Print is mainstream now, especially in the age of computers - it is just a more familiar type than script. I think that one day people won't even be able to read script anymore."

The point here is that I love script - it's part of my personality. It may not be around forever, but I can use it as long as I know how!
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